Oh, Facebook, what would I do without you? Actually, a few answers come to mind…things like “fold the laundry” or “water that plant that is starting to look pathetic.” But today I am happy for the never-ending photos of babies/random invites to parties in other countries/minute-by-minute status updates (wait, maybe that last one not so much) because many of my oh-so-brilliant friends also post very insightful things on their walls. One in particular, Rebecca, put this link up the other day and I just had to share:
The blog itself is titled, “Marc and Angel Hack Life: Practical Tips for Practical Living,” and as you can see, the blog content is entirely self-explanatory. Immediately, I was interested and opened up Rebecca’s link, because a: Rebecca is lovely and smart, and b: who doesn’t like checking out some practical life tips?
I am not going to do a summary on here, like usual, because I think it is 100% worth reading yourself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
(PS I am ok with you checking out another blog, I promise ;))