Ringing in my “new year” …

January 1st doesn’t really get to me.  Maybe it’s because I’m sleepy and full of Christmas cookies, or I’m too cold to get wrapped up in what the new year will bring.  I also haven’t been one to make resolutions (see my thoughts on those here: http://inspiringhealth.ca/wp/?m=201301) so I’ve never really felt this time of year represented the unveiling of something fresh and/or new.

Fall, on the other hand, is quite the opposite for me.  I don’t know if it is because my nerdy tendencies had me excited to go back to school back in the day, or because I love Fall clothing, lol, but the beginning of September always has me filled with hope and new energy.  (Yes, I am sad to see summer slipping away, but sometimes one gets sick of sweating away 50% of one’s body weight and slathering on toothpaste-like sunscreen :) )

In the world of like-attracts-like, a few favourites in my life are facing major shifts in their lives; taking on graduate school (rock on, C!), thinking about moving, or shifting their business focus.  And I am excited to announce that I am also starting something new!  Beginning next month, I am going to be joining the fantastic group at Thorpe Benefits Health & Wellness on a part-time basis, working as a consultant and liaison for their corporate wellness clients.  They have an excellent, well-established program offering and an amazing group of people supporting it – I feel so fortunate to become part of this team!

Inspiring Health will still be offering workplace facilitation and consultation services though, and I am continuing to build my Health & Wellness Coaching practice.  So, needless to say, I have a feeling my September is going to be keeping me quite busy.  And that’s a very good thing, because as my Dad would say, being busy “keeps [me] out of trouble.” 😉

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